[SwiftUI] Swift Charts / 차트

2024. 2. 29. 01:13🍏/UI

Swift Charts

Construct and customize charts on every Apple platform.

iOS 16 버전 부터 등장한 chart 입니다.



Swift Charts | Apple Developer Documentation

Construct and customize charts on every Apple platform.



Hello Swift Charts - WWDC22 - Videos - Apple Developer

Say hello to Swift Charts — a flexible framework that helps you create charts entirely in SwiftUI that look and feel right at home on all...


SwiftChartsExample Code 입니다. 



Visualizing your app’s data | Apple Developer Documentation

Build complex and interactive charts using Swift Charts.





SwiftChartsExample Code는 WWDC 2023 아래 링크에서 자세한 설명을 들을 수 있습니다.


Visualizing your app’s data | Apple Developer Documentation

Build complex and interactive charts using Swift Charts.



ChartsExample의 Overview입니다.

Total Sales는 BarMark로 이루어져있고 (상단)

Most Sold Style은 SectorMark (중단)

LineMark와  PointMark (하단)


Stacked bar chart 

Chart(data, id: \.name) { element in
    x: .value("Sales", element.sales),
    stacking: .normalized
  .foregroundStyle(by: .value("Name", element.name))


Pie chart

Chart(data, id: \.name) { element in
    angle: .value("Sales", element.sales),
    angularInset: 1.5
  .foregroundStyle(by: .value("Name", element.name))


Pie chart with angular inset

Chart(data, id: \.name) { element in
    angle: .value("Sales", element.sales),
    angularInset: 1.5
  .foregroundStyle(by: .value("Name", element.name))


Donut chart

Chart(data, id: \.name) { element in
    angle: .value("Sales", element.sales),
    innerRadius: .ratio(0.618),
    angularInset: 1.5
  .foregroundStyle(by: .value("Name", element.name))


Donut chart with text in center

Chart(data, id: \.name) { element in
    angle: .value("Sales", element.sales),
    innerRadius: .ratio(0.618),
    angularInset: 1.5
  .foregroundStyle(by: .value("Name", element.name))
.chartBackground { chartProxy in
  GeometryReader { geometry in
    let frame = geometry[chartProxy.plotAreaFrame]
    VStack {
      Text("Most Sold Style")
    .position(x: frame.midX, y: frame.midY)


Line chart

struct LocationDetailsChart: View {

  var body: some View {
    Chart {
      ForEach(data) { series in
        ForEach(series.sales, id: \.day) { element in
            x: .value("Day", element.day, unit: .day),
            y: .value("Sales", element.sales)
        .foregroundStyle(by: .value("City", series.city))
        .symbol(by: .value("City", series.city))




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