2023. 4. 5. 01:20ㆍ🐣/BOJ
사용 알고리즘 DFS / Backtracking / BruteForce
[종만북] Brute Force / 무식하게 풀기
Algorithmic Problem Solving Strategies 개인적으로 읽고 정리한 요약 입니다. 아래 링크에 문제 풀이 예제가 있습니다. GitHub - chanheki/AlgorithmicProblemSolvingStrategies: Algorithm Book Study Algorithm Book Study. Contribute
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Boggle is a game in which 16 dice with letters on each side are placed into a 4x4 grid. Players then attempt to find words using letters from adjacent dice. You must write a program to find words from letters in a Boggle-like grid.
When forming a word, each letter must be adjacent in the grid (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally) to the previous letter, and each grid position (not necessarily each letter) may only appear once in each word.
In normal Boggle, every side of each die contains a single letter with one exception. No side has the letter q by itself; instead, the 2 letters qu appear together. Similarly, when the letter q appears in one of the grids in this problem's Boggle variant, it should be treated as qu.
Input consists of a dictionary of words followed by several letter grids.
The first line contains an integer W (1 <= W <= 200) indicating the number of words in the dictionary. Each of the following W lines contains a string of 1 to 25 lowercase ASCII letters (a - z) representing a unique word in the dictionary.
The dictionary is followed by 1 or more letter grids. Each begins with a line containing an integer D (2 <= D <= 8) indicating the size of that grid (square of size D x D) or 0 (zero) indicating end of input. The following D lines each contain D lowercase ASCII letters (a - z); each line represents a row in the grid.
For each grid, output consists of the following:
- A line for each dictionary word that was found in the grid, sorted alphabetically.
- A line containing a dash (-).
// boggle.swift
// swift_practise
// Created by Chan on 2023/04/05.
// https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/11521
* 책에 있는 boggle과 유사한 백준 문제가 있길래 풀었습니다.
* 영어로된 문제였는데, 문제의 예외처리 부분을 제대로 이해 못해서 런타임에러가 났었고.. 문제를 제대로 이해하고 나서
* 책과 같은 풀이 방식으로 푸니까, 시간 초과가 나서 시간초과를 해결하려고 2시간 정도 매달려서 풀었습니다.
* 결국 안돼서 문제를 너무 어렵게 이해하고 있는거 같아서 전부 지우고 처음부터 다시 풀었습니다.
* 이 문제로 부터 배운것 :
* 1. 문제를 잘 읽자. 이해가 안되면 다시 읽어서 이해한다.
* 2. 문제를 너무 어렵게 생각하지말자, 코드가 복잡해진다면 디버깅하기가 어렵다.
* 3. 코드를 너무 간략화하지도 말자, 한 줄에 다적으면 디버깅 할 때 어디에서 에러 났는지 확인하기가 어렵다.
* 4. 시간초과가 난다면 반복문에서 break, 재귀 타기전에 검사 한 번더.
* 5. 인덱싱 처리 잘하자. flag break 안 줘서 몇십분 삽질 함.
import Foundation
let W = Int(readLine()!)!
var words = [[String]]()
for _ in 0..<W { words.append(readLine()!.map{String($0)}) }
let dx = [-1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0]
let dy = [-1, 0, 1, -1, 0, 1, -1, 1]
func solution() {
let n = Int(readLine()!)!
if n == 0 { exit(0) }
var visited = Array(repeating: Array(repeating: false, count: n), count: n)
let initVisited = visited
var board = [[String]]()
for _ in 0..<n {
var result = [[String]]()
for word in words {
outloop:for i in 0..<n {
for j in 0..<n {
var flag = false
visited = initVisited
if board[i][j] == "q" {
if word.count >= 2 && word[0] == "q" && word[1] == "u" {
flag = hasWord(2, i, j, word)
} else if word[0] == board[i][j] {
flag = hasWord(1, i, j, word)
if (flag)
break outloop
var ans = Set<String>()
for result in result { ans.insert(result.joined()) }
ans.sorted().forEach {
func hasWord(_ idx: Int, _ y: Int, _ x: Int, _ word: [String]) -> Bool {
if idx == word.count {
return true
visited[y][x] = true
var flag = false
for direction in 0..<8 {
if flag { break }
let nextY = y + dy[direction], nextX = x + dx[direction]
if (0..<n).contains(nextY) && (0..<n).contains(nextX) && !visited[nextY][nextX] {
if board[nextY][nextX] == "q" {
if idx < word.count - 1 && word[idx] == "q" && word[idx + 1] == "u" {
flag = hasWord(idx + 2, nextY, nextX, word)
else if board[nextY][nextX] == word[idx] {
flag = hasWord(idx + 1, nextY, nextX, word)
visited[y][x] = false
return flag
while true { solution() }
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